In view of the gastrointestinal problems generated by the ketoprofen use, the ketoprofen association with omeprazole is available on the market. However, this association efficacy in acute pain control has not been established. Bilateral extraction of lower third molars in similar positions is currently the most used model for the evaluation and investigation of the efficacy and pharmacological effects of new compounds for the treatment of acute postoperative pain. The randomized and crossover study consisted in evaluating the clinical efficacy of therapy performed by ketoprofen 100 mg (twice daily–b.i.d.) versus ketoprofen 200 mg + omeprazole 20 mg (once daily-q.d.) to pain, swelling and trismus control in the bilateral extraction model of lower third molars in similar positions in two different appointments, in 50 volunteers. Volunteers reported significantly less postoperative pain at various post-operative periods and consumed less rescue analgesic medication (acetaminophen 750 mg) throughout the study when they took the combination of ketoprofen 200 mg + omeprazole 20 mg (q.d.). Following administration of both study drugs, no gastrointestinal adverse reactions were reported by volunteers. Furthermore, the evaluations of the drugs in pain control by the volunteers were significantly favorable to ketoprofen 200 mg + omeprazole 20 mg (q.d.). For swelling and trismus control, the treatments presented similar results. In conclusion, when volunteers took ketoprofen 200 mg + omeprazole 20 mg (q.d.), they reported significantly less postoperative pain at various post-surgical periods and consumed less rescue analgesic medication throughout the study compared with ketoprofen 100 mg (b.i.d).
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