APA Style
Hananta IPH, et al. ().
Value of light microscopy to diagnose urogenital gonorrhoea: a diagnostic test study in Indonesian clinic-based and
outreach sexually transmitted
infections services .
Chicago Style
Hananta IPH, et al.
Value of light microscopy to diagnose urogenital gonorrhoea: a diagnostic test study in Indonesian clinic-based and
outreach sexually transmitted
infections services.
MLA Style
Hananta IPH, et al.
Value of light microscopy to diagnose urogenital gonorrhoea: a diagnostic test study in Indonesian clinic-based and
outreach sexually transmitted
infections services.
Turabian Style
Hananta IPH, et al.
Value of light microscopy to diagnose urogenital gonorrhoea: a diagnostic test study in Indonesian clinic-based and
outreach sexually transmitted
infections services.