APA Style
Mysore Chandramouli Basappaji Santhosh,. ().
Anaesthetic management of nephrectomy in a chronic obstructivepulmonary disease patient with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax .
Chicago Style
Mysore Chandramouli Basappaji Santhosh,.
Anaesthetic management of nephrectomy in a chronic obstructivepulmonary disease patient with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax.
MLA Style
Mysore Chandramouli Basappaji Santhosh,.
Anaesthetic management of nephrectomy in a chronic obstructivepulmonary disease patient with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax.
Turabian Style
Mysore Chandramouli Basappaji Santhosh,.
Anaesthetic management of nephrectomy in a chronic obstructivepulmonary disease patient with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax.