APA Style
Edited by Michael Georg Kiehl, Wolfgang Peter Nass, Hans-Dieter Volk. ().
Immunomodulation with immunoglobulins for autoimmune diseases and infections .
Stuttgard: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2002.
Chicago Style
Edited by Michael Georg Kiehl, Wolfgang Peter Nass, Hans-Dieter Volk.
Immunomodulation with immunoglobulins for autoimmune diseases and infections.
Stuttgard: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2002,
MLA Style
Edited by Michael Georg Kiehl, Wolfgang Peter Nass, Hans-Dieter Volk.
Immunomodulation with immunoglobulins for autoimmune diseases and infections.
Stuttgard: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2002,
Turabian Style
Edited by Michael Georg Kiehl, Wolfgang Peter Nass, Hans-Dieter Volk.
Immunomodulation with immunoglobulins for autoimmune diseases and infections.
Stuttgard: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2002,